Jaguar Foundations
A 4 Week Course on nervous system essentials for women
🌟 Welcome + Course Info
🎉 Let's Dance: Hop on 5 minutes before class to dance with Kimberly
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week ONE [VIDEO]
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week ONE [AUDIO]
🐾 Practice from Class: Inside | Outside Awareness
🐾 Practice from Class: Eye Placement
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week TWO [VIDEO]
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week TWO [AUDIO]
🐾 Practice: Fight Breath
🐾 Practice: Flight Breath
📗 Language of Sensation
📗 Language of Feelings
📗 TIMES & Emotional Sign Post Slides
🔈 TIMES Meditation
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week THREE [VIDEO]
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week THREE [AUDIO]
📗 Pendulation & The Nervous System Under Threat & In Safety
🐾 EXPERIENCE: Wolf-Rabbit Story
🐾 Practice: VU
🐾 Practice: Predator-Prey Facial Expressions
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week FOUR [VIDEO]
🐆 Activate Your Inner Jaguar Foundations: Week FOUR [AUDIO]
🐈 Blue & Red [VIDEO]
🐈 Blue & Red [AUDIO]
📗 The Nervous System Slides: Under Threat; In Safety; Emotional Sign Posts; Native Contributors